Narcissus (Daffodil) নারসিসাস (ড্যাফোডিল)

Narcissus (Daffodil) নারসিসাস (ড্যাফোডিল)

The name hails from Greek mythology and takes from the tale of Narcissu,  a young hunter who had been blessed with drop-dead-gorgeous attributes. A water nymph fell madly in love with him, but he could not return her affections because of his intense vanity.

The nymph cast a spell on him, causing him to be so enchanted by his own likeness mirrored in the water’s edge that he eventually faded away at the very spot, leaving only daffodils in his wake. Other endings say that Narcissus was transformed into daffodils so that the nymphs could seek revenge or how he fell into the lake and drowned as he was so enraptured in his reflection!

Some people even like the way that daffodils bob their heads in the wind as Narcissus bends down to stare at his own reflection. [1]

ড্যাফোডিল পুনর্জন্ম এবং আশার প্রতীক। ড্যাফোডিলসের প্রফুল্ল উজ্জ্বল হলুদ এবং সাদা রঙ ইতিবাচকতার প্রতীক। এগুলি একটি সুখী ফুল যা আনন্দকে সূচিত করে এবং জীবিত থাকার জন্য একটি প্রশংসা।

ড্যাফোডিল হল ওয়েলশ ন্যাশনাল ফ্লাওয়ার।
চীনে, ড্যাফোডিলগুলি চীনা নববর্ষের চারপাশে ফোটে এবং এটি সৌভাগ্য, সৌভাগ্য এবং সমৃদ্ধির প্রতীক। যদি এই ফুলগুলি ঠিক নতুন বছরে ফোটে, তবে তারা সামনের পুরো বছরের জন্য শুভকামনা বোঝায়।

আমেরিকান ক্যান্সার সোসাইটি ড্যাফোডিলকে তার প্রতীক হিসাবে ব্যবহার করে কারণ এই ফুলগুলি আশা এবং পুনর্জন্মের একটি। তারা এই প্রসঙ্গে একটি নিরাময়ের আশার প্রতীক, এবং এক ধরণের পুনর্জন্মও। [1]

Do you have to lift the bulbs every year?

It is not necessary to lift daffodils every year, probably every three years is enough. The best guide is that if a clump is not flowering very well, that is if flowers are becoming fewer and fewer, this means that the clump has become too crowded. You should definitely lift and divide them, splitting these bulbs up so they get a new lease of life.

How do you store bulbs?

When you lift daffodil bulbs put them into an open mesh bag like an onion or orange bag and hang in a cool airy spot in the garage or garden shed. Keep them there until March which is the time to plant them in the garden. Refrigeration of daffodils is not necessary for normal flowering. [2]

What about watering?

Natural rainfall should suffice in many areas, however, keep bulbs moist during dry spells in autumn and late spring. [2]

What about feeding bulbs?

To build up a healthy bulb for flowering next season it is a good idea to spread around a well-balanced fertiliser. Use a complete fertiliser, not one that contains only nitrogen as this will lead to all leaf growth. A balanced fertiliser with a ratio of NPK 6:6:6 or an azalea or camellia food will be fine. The best time to feed is just as the flowering is finishing and well before the leaves begin dying off. It is particularly important to feed daffodils planted in pots regularly after flowering to ensure healthy bulb for the following year. [2]


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